Monday, February 21, 2005

Undercover Police Agent Responsible for Right-Wing Incitement

Via Arutz Sheva:

A police informant initiated much right-wing incitement in recent weeks, according to Maariv newspaper. Similar police tactics were used in the mid-1990's against protestors of the Oslo Accords.

Much of the "right-wing incitement" of recent weeks, attributed by the media to the national camp, was initiated by none other than an undercover police informant. So reports Maariv today, in an article featured in a front-page headline.

The paper states that the police agent has initiated some of the more extreme protest acts of recent weeks - acts that were widely attributed to the entire national camp. The activities thus cast a cloud of illegitimacy on the entire anti-disengagement cause.

The agent provocateur was behind a recent bumper sticker which implied that Prime Minister Sharon's death was near. The sticker read: "Sharon, Lily [the PM's late wife] is waiting for you." He also recruited people to attend the road-blocking protests of last week, which brought much public wrath upon the anti-disengagement cause.


Read the whole thing.


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